Historic Places & Sites

Freetown served as a key location for many historic events and periods during the middle-passage, abolition-era, and post-slavery. Many of its buildings remain preserved with historic buildings and institutions preserved from the 19th century.

Historic Churches

Zion Methodist Church

Welsey Methodist Church

St. George’s Cathedral

St. John Maroon Church

College Chapel Methodist Church

Ebenezer Methodist Church

St. Charles Anglican Church

St. Andrew’s Anglican Church

Christ Church

Holy Trinity Church

Jordan West African Methodist Church

Historic Towns & Villages

Regent Village

Hastings Village

Waterloo Village

Murray Town Village

Fourah Bay Community

Lumley Village

Aberdeen Village

Wilberforce Village

Foulah Town

York Village

Bathurst Village

Kent Village

Congo Town

Banana Islands

Goderich Village

Kissy Village

Portuguese Town

Wellington Village

Historic Markets

Big Market

Congo Town Market

Historic Schools

Fourah Bay College

Sierra Leone Grammar School

Annie Walsh Memorial School

Methodist Boys High School

Methodist Girls High School

Freetown Secondary School for Girls

Collegiate Secondary School

Prince of Wales Secondary School

Albert Academy Secondary School

Big Market Built in 1860s